Sunday, May 29, 2011

Buzz Marketing Part II

In the first installment, I wrote about buzz marketing - a cheap, effective, new, and sometimes risky way to get customers talking about your product. In most cases, the message can be hidden in buzz marketing practices, giving the participating consumers a sense of unknown or secrecy. This obviously triggers word-of-mouth/viral marketing which can spread like a wildfire (especially in heavily populated areas like world famous cities).

"Follow the leader" has proved to be an effective way to participate in buzz marketing. Do what you know will work based on others experiences. However, some of the most successful buzz marketing campaigns are fueled by innovation and creativity. To see some great examples, you can view these pictures. You should also create scarcity and lure consumers in. Companies must also be authentic, which is where some problems can occur due to the fact that companies develop risky and sometimes provocative aspects to catch the eye of consumers. This can hurt the brand image, especially if it is not aligned with the image of the company. Lastly, you must prepare for the unknown. Buzz marketing has no specific success formula. Techniques are always changing and marketers need to do their best to analyze and determine what will be successful right now or a year from now.

Here is a great example of how IKEA utilized Facebook to create buzz between their customers. This video also shows the sheer power of social media. Enjoy and post a comment of what you think!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Starting the Day with Smartphones

In a recent Ericsson study, it was proved that over 30% of smartphone users load apps before they get out of bed. If you have some extra time, you can read the study's pdf results here.

These insights are incredibly eye-opening and it definitely goes to show how important smartphones are in our lives. To think that millions of people are sending emails, checking Facebook, tweeting, and texting before they get out of bed in the morning - it just proves how powerful phones are.

Marketers are definitely capitalizing on these trends with apps, text message marketing campaigns, location based services, and mobile-friendly websites. Phones are an extension of our lives and are finding ways to connect with people, apparently before 7 AM. I highly recommend reading Ericsson's study, there are a lot of amazing stats in there. Feel free to share your favorite insight/stat below!

Leo Burnett: The Apple Story

I recently received a print informational brochure regarding Leo Burnett and "The Apple Story." I have included the text and pictures from that brochure for everyone to enjoy. I hope you find the story as interesting as I do!

Apples have been saying "welcome" to Leo Burnett Company visitors since August 5, 1935. On that hot day in the middle of the Depression, supreme optimist Leo Burnett and eight associates opened the doors of their newly-formed advertising agency for the first time. To brighten up the place, the receptionist set put a bowl of apples.
When word got around Chicago that Leo Burnett was serving apples to his visitors, a newspaper columnist cracked, "It won't be long 'til Leo Burnett is selling apples on the street corner instead of giving them away."
To be fair, the columnist was only echoing what seemed obvious to everyone but Leo Burnett and his band of believers: that it was the height of folly to start an advertising agency in the midst of the Depression. But what the naysayers didn't understand was Leo's unique blend of vision and logic. "When you're on your economic bottom bottom, then the only way to go is up."
Leo was right. From these beginnings, when our entire office staff could sit comfortably around a table, and three accounts made up our client list, the Leo Burnett Companies today comprise one of the world's largest advertising organizations.
And the apples have been on our desks every day. We still offer them to every visitor, and our employees as well. In the last ten years, our Chicago headquarters alone gave away more than two million of them. Currently we give away more than a thousand each working day. Our offices around the world also follow this tradition.
So, have an apple on us. We hope it gives you ample food for thought.

Leo Burnett Apple Story 1
Leo Burnett Apple Story 2

Leo Burnett Apple Story 3

Leo Burnett Apple Story 4
All of this information belongs to Leo Burnett Worldwide

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Do You C.H.A.R.M. Your Twitter Followers?

Twitter just turned 5 years old in March, and even though this young gun is new to the social media world, it is one of the most powerful sites in the world. It is a great place to connect with individuals that have the same interests, hobbies, and passions as you. Twitter is basically an online professional networking event and should be taken advantage of by everyone.

I recently read a  book titled, "Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars (I will just refer to it as SSSMMS)." Now, I know the title is an intense tongue-twister, but I highly recommend reading this book, especially if you are interested in digital and social media. It contains 22 chapters of quality, engaging, and essential information that can help anyone become a pro at social media and similar topics. One of the featured chapters discussed Twitter and some common issues people have with it. A lot of users get caught up on the quantity of their followers as opposed to the quality of their followers. This can be an issue especially since most people use Twitter to interact, contribute, and be involved with others. SSSMMS gives light into a great way to think of your followers: your "tribe." You interact, engage, and have discussions with people in your "tribe." Now the best part of the chapter, in my opinion, is when the authors talk about how to C.H.A.R.M. your followers.

Captivate Attention
Hook Emotions
Advance Trust
Radiate Desire
Motivate Action

You can C.H.A.R.M. your Twitter followers by grabbing their attention. To do this, post intriguing articles, news, thoughts, etc. Twitter users are people...humans with emotions. Elicit these emotions and post an occasional inspirational quote or a personal opinion/thought. Advance trust by tweeting authentic information or articles and radiate desire by making people want to read your tweets. Lastly, motivate action by making people retweet you or mention you in one of their tweets. 

Personally, I found this information very helpful because I know at times, I lack on my tweets. So , I hope you can find this information helpful and if you like what you see, purchase SSSMMS here! I promise it's a great read. Thanks for viewing and please post your thoughts below!

Monday, May 2, 2011

QR Codes in Action

I created a post a couple weeks ago about QR codes and how they can enhance a direct response marketing campaign. You can scan this code to read that post now!

I wanted to share with everyone that I recently received a brochure promoting the new Nissan Juke. This visually appealing booklet, had some great pictures, information, and QR codes to connect with consumers. I have included some pictures of the codes printed in the booklet below.


These two codes on the right lead people to videos and interactive, mobile-friendly websites where more information about the Juke can be found. I have to admit, I scanned these codes and watched a few videos about it's turbo engine, AWD, and navigation system. It was a great way for Nissan to promote individuals to take action on an advertising piece. 

MarketingProfs recently published an article detailing some stats about a recent study done on these codes. below are some of the impressive results.

• 52% of mobile users have seen or heard of QR codes; of those, 28% have scanned one
• iPhone users scan by far the most, at 68% (versus 26% of Android users and 4% of Blackberry users)
• QR-code scanning rose a whopping 1,200% from July to December 2010
• Companies like Starbucks are already using QR codes (as well as barcodes) to enable users to pay for their purchases via mobile. (And here's a fun fact from the chart: 3 million Starbucks customers have already tried it.)

Being proactive with this form of marketing can really pay off, because you can't argue with those results! Have you seen these QR codes recently used for any marketing campaigns?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Smart Phones Are Now Personal Shopping Devices

Phones are people's lives that hold connections, friends, and family members at the touch of a button (or touchscreen). But when you take another look at it, phones aren't just phones anymore. They are computers, cameras, video recorders, gaming systems, televisions, GPS, and now shopping devices!

Leo Burnett recently determined that 50% of moble phone owners use their devices to shop. The eye-opening statistic is extremely important to businesses all over the world.  Apps, text message campaigns, and mobile friendly websites are a necessity for shopping websites/companies. These utilities are not only able to give customers info about store hours, GPS locators to find nearby stores, promotional coupons, and various product information/specifications, but it will result in more app downloads and more traffic on the mobile website. This will result in increased awareness, customer loyalty, improved customer perception, which will ultimately lead to a boost in sales.

People are on their phones for hours everyday, so you better have a presence there, or your competitors will. The number of cell phone users are twice the amount of internet users! With statistics like that, businesses big and small need to be up to date on their marketing efforts, especially with a focus in utilizing emerging digital techniques, including mobile marketing.

Check out this awesome use of social coupons on mobile devices - via LivingSocial

Monday, April 18, 2011

Buzz Marketing Part I

What's all the buzzzzz about?
Consumers are estimated to view over 5,000 advertisements a day and even more corporate logos, so how do companies stand out from their competitors? Some utilize traditional advertising measure that use an emotional, humorous, fear, or fantasy appeal. But others are trying out a newer form of marketing that lets consumers talk about a company’s product or service, known as buzz marketing. Buzz marketing uses the art of word of mouth to spread the word of a specific product or service. 

Many companies rely on this new technique to engage customers as opposed to traditional forms of marketing, like print, radio, television, outdoor, and digital marketing methods. Word of mouth is something all companies need to shoot for in their marketing efforts, because it is coming to the point where people don't buy a product because an advertisement tells them to, they buy something because their friends tell them too. In a time where businesses are finding out unique ways to interact with consumers, how can companies successfully engage customers to the point where word of mouth/buzz marketing will take place? Does Guerrilla Marketing come into play here? What are your thoughts?

Part II coming soon! In the mean time, check out this crazy/freaky video of a flash mob utilizing the element of fear to create buzz.
Unfortunately, the closing text is in German, but it translates to, "Do they know what zone they are living in." This video was made to increase the awareness of risk associated with nuclear accidents. Do you think it was a success?

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Digital Revolution is Happening

Are you on board? Companies are utilizing digital media for their marketing plans now more than ever. The days of advertising on traditional methods like television, radio, print media, billboards, and direct mail pieces are still around, but we see business going for a strong digital presence.

There are many reasons for this change in media vehicles, but the one that should be focused on the most is ROI (Return on Investment).

ROI = (Gain from Investment - Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment.

In the long run, marketing is all about seeing results. However, ROI is more difficult to determine when utilizing the traditional methods of advertising. This is why digital media is more consistent and accurate with its results. Advertising online can give you extremely thorough reports of who is visiting your ads, how long they view it, if they took action to view your ad, among other detailed insights. For example, if one was to advertise on Facebook, they could choose the gender, geographic region, demographic details, and psychographics (hobbies, interests, etc.) of their target market. This makes it possible for niche marketing to occur. This, along with Facebook's new real-time ad system, is probably why they are projected to make over $2 billion in advertising this year.

Digital marketing needs to engage the customer (also known as pull advertising). Other examples of this include location-based services, mobile apps, or text message marketing. These are fairly new marketing mediums, but some companies are figuring out a successful recipe by utilizing these new trends. Regardless, the digital revolution is happening whether you like it or not. Hop on board before your competition does and kicks you to the curb.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Is Your Business Utilizing Location-Based Services?

With so many ways to connect with consumers, companies need to have a constant presence to be as accessible as possible. Sure, having a great online presence (company website, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Flickr, etc.) is becoming a necessity, but something that businesses need to be utilizing are location-based services like Foursquare and Facebook Places in their integrated marketing efforts.

These mobile apps, used with Android, Blackberry, and iPhone mobile devices, allow people to connect with their friends by updating where they are and what they are doing. It's like a status update by specifying where your current location is (stores, bars, restaurants, local businesses). Why should companies care? Well, when people check in to a specific location, it is visible to their entire list of friends. The reach with these location-based services is extremely large. More or less, your company is getting free promotion, PR, and word of mouth. If an individual checks in to your local coffee shop and adds the message, "Some friends and I are here to grab a warm cup of coffee, come join us!" This has the potential to bring in more traffic for your business. It also helps that close to 40 million people are using these apps.

These apps give the user a sense of accomplishment by awarding them points, virtual badges, titles, and in some cases promotional coupons for every check-in. Facebook Placesgives businesses the opporetunity to donate to a charity every time someone checks in to their location. Personally, I enjoy going to venues in the area and checking in on Foursquare opposed to Facebook Places. The interface is easier to use and has a much more appealing design. Overall, these apps are a great way to be involved with friends in the area and interact with local businesses. Is your company using these amazingly popular location-based services to attract and retain customers?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

QR Codes

Scan code to go to my LinkedIn page
Yes, I'm talking about those weird 2-D barcodes that have a bunch of little squares put together. When you scan these barcodes with a smartphone, you will receive a transfer of information, whether it be a virtual business card, a website, a video, a picture, or any other type of engaging content.

The marketing purpose for QR codes is to involve the consumer to take initiative and scan your code. I know the Android market has multiple free applications that will help you scan the QR codes to obtain content and I'm sure the iPhone does as well. Most of these codes can be found on billboards, business cards, in-store displays, and even t-shirts!

Personally, I have never seen a QR code when I'm out and about, but that doesn't mean people aren't utilizing them. These codes were actually developed in 1994, but have just caught on in recent years due to the creativity and engaging aspects of marketing campaigns. With viral and guerrilla marketing becoming more commonly used practices, consumers might be seeing more and more of theses codes. The creativity with these codes is basically limitless and I personally believe that companies can reach customers and get them involved in their campaigns. Consumers don't want messages and ads shoved down their throat, they want to participate in them. These QR codes are a perfect segue into making that happen, especially if they offer valuable content to the consumer (product/service information, a cool picture or video, promotional coupon, etc.).

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dress to Impress

"The clothes make the man." If you are not familiar with Illinois State University's dress code for marketing majors, you can get all the information you could ever want here. Long story short, all marketing students at ISU are required to come to class in business casual attire. Some people have mixed feelings about this mandated effort, but personally, I am all for it! I can honestly say that I feel more professional, productive, and well-mannered when I am in the State Farm Hall of Business in my required "neatly pressed shirt and slacks." There is just something about being professionally dressed in an outstanding building that makes me feel good about myself and my major. Everybody on campus knows that if they see a person dressed up in business casual attire, its a marketing student. I love everything about that, because people look at me and recognize me as a professional. Upon graduating and obtaining a full-time job, we will have to dress up and look our best, so why not start early and get used to carrying yourself as a clean-cut professional?

I think that the marketing department made a great choice in enforcing this dress code because it builds and improves the university's image. ISU and the College of Business has made some great strides in the recent past, becoming number 93 out of the top 100 business schools in the country. Overall, I think that the dress code enforced by the marketing department makes the students improve their image, professional demeanor, productivity, and grades. Do you think that more universities will adopt a dress code like this?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Social Media in 2005

I recently read an article that discussed how young adults interacted in the era when social media was on the rise. This article was written 5 1/2 years ago and mainly focuses on how the 'at-the-time powerhouse,' Myspace, was experimenting with online advertising.

But to understand this time period, we need to take a step back and really think about what is going on in 2005. CD's were popular, everyone was on Myspace, nobody was on Facebook, and Twitter would not be launched until a few months after this article was published. The article discusses one-hit wonders like the Baha Men, who sang "Who Let the Dogs Out." The next possible one-hit wonder brought up? Facebook! At the time, Mark Zuckerburg was 21 years old and the site wasn't turning a profit. Little did everyone know, Facebook would become the absolute beast it is today!

Advertising on these sites was an experiment due to the fact that people didn't know how users would react to ads. People tried advertising on social networks strictly because they had the potential to reach teens through virtual word of mouth for a relatively small investment. Teens don't buy things because an ad tells them to, they buy because their friends tell them to. If companies could successfully advertise on social media sites, they could be the conductors of the viral word of mouth train. Luckily, they developed ads that didn't block your view or were over-the-top obnoxious. The ads were so subtle that kids could not distinguish between actual content and advertisements.

It is amazing to see how this advertising phenomenon started. Now, Facebook has developed a new advertising system that can use your content (status updates, wall posts, etc.) as an ad for a company. I recently created a post about this, and it can be read here. Facebook is also experimenting with real-time ads that will analyze your status, "Man, I could really go for some pizza..." and develop an ad with a coupon from a local Pizza Hut. Ad Age recently published an article about this. Overall, social media advertising is absolutely new to our market! Luckily, there are jobs sprouting everywhere in this marketing sector. Just imagine what kind of ads will be running in jus a few short years! It will be so intriguing to see how his develops. Hope you enjoyed the post! Please discuss your thoughts in the comment section below.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

More Guerrilla Marketing

Click here to find out about guerrilla marketing and to see even more awesome pictures!

Enjoy these great examples of effective and eye-opening guerrilla marketing efforts that bust through everyday clutter!

Via Creative Guerrilla Marketing dot com

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cause Related Marketing Part III

Catch up on Part 1 and Part 2

          Looking to participate in a CRM campaign? Here are a few pointers, if you will, that you should follow while considering a CRM project. I have chosen to analyze: identifying the right issue or cause, communicate the partnership message, integrate the campaign, and track the results. First and foremost, the organizations involved need to have a related message/cause. For example, Tide laundry detergent has been traveling across the United States with huge tucks with built-in washing machines and dryers that are available for homeless shelters to take advantage of. This is a great example of a company aligning themselves with a related cause. Next, the partner message must be communicated properly. Aside from being connected, the company and cause involved need to convey a message that is consistent and effectively displayed. Integration of the campaign is also a very important aspect of the project. Correlating and integrating your message through all media vehicles is essential for not only success, but also for consumers to understand and retain the message. Lastly, tracking results is a no-brainer! If you can’t show that the campaign is effective or working successfully, then why do it? If companies follow these guidelines, they will have a much better chance of pulling off a thriving venture.
          People are learning that CRM can be done effectively and help their brand image and reputation, which is what, in time, will increase sales and profits. Some companies participate in CRM for the wrong reasons. They expect to immediately see sales fly through the roof when they partner with a nonprofit or a cause. Companies go into a CRM effort with the mindset that if they slap a good cause on their packaging, they’ll be rich in a week and consumers will eat it up. Overall, I think that CRM, if done effectively and thoughtfully, will increase “sales”, awareness, brand image, respect, and overall opinion of both parties involved (company and non-profit organization/cause) over time. Companies need to be in it for the long-haul and show dedication throughout the process.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Guerrilla Marketing

Guerrilla marketing can be defined as programs designed to obtain instant results using limited resources by relying on creativity, quality relationships, and the willingness to try new approaches. This amazingly outrageous marketing approach can be extremely effective if used correctly. These guerrilla marketing ideas need to have a high level of innovation and creativity, but then multiply that by 7, then put that result on steroids. This style of marketing involves interacting with consumers and engaging them in a message as opposed to forcing a message on them. By getting customers to react or do something, the marketing effort increases the chance that the message will be retained and reflected upon.

Traditional Marketing Efforts:                                       Guerrilla Marketing Efforts:
- Requires money                                                      - Requires imagination, creativity, and a vision
- Results measured by sales                                      - Results measured by profits and satisfaction
- Uses marketing to increase sales                             - Uses marketing to gain and retain customers
- Aims messages at large groups                                - Aims messages at small groups or individuals

In a very short time, or even now, "traditional" marketing efforts will become more and more like what we know "guerrilla" marketing efforts as. Agencies are becoming more creative and they are able to target specific demographic markets as well as local and hyperlocal geographic areas. Nonetheless, Guerrilla marketing is a very exciting and fun style of marketing and it is turning heads around the world. 

There's no doubt about it, these clutter busters are the way of catching attention. Below I have included some perfect examples of guerrilla marketing courtesy of Creative Guerrilla Marketing dot com! If you like what you see here, please visit their awesome site!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Marketing Gets a Bad Rap

Don't you think? A lot of people out there don't take marketing seriously. Many believe it is full of frills, manipulation, and promises that can't be delivered. If you think these things are true, you are talking or interacting with the wrong people. Marketing is the reason why we know about companies. It's responsible for how we view and perceive businesses. Marketing has the ability to provide an image or face, if you will, for a company. If consumers aren't aware of your company or they have a negative perception of your company, you won't get any business. So smile and appreciate marketing for the art/science it is!

Cause Related Marketing Part II

Catch up on Part I here.         

          There are six main types of CRM arrangements, also referred to as “weaponry.” These options include: advertising, public relations, sponsorship, licensing and direct marketing, facilitated giving, as well as purchase-triggered donations. The one option that consumers see the most often are purchase-triggered donations. These can be found at various stores, more specifically, Gap which promotes the RED campaign that strives to end world hunger and find a cure for AIDS. Customers are asked if they would like to donate money to a specific cause, and if so, their bill or receipt will be x amount of dollars larger. I believe that this is not an effective way of communicating a message between the company, non-profit organization, and the consumer because there is no passion or outreach associated with the donation. Sure, it’s good for the cause, but I feel like there should be more interaction for the user. Overall, I think that public relations can be effective if used properly, but most people view it as a desperate cry for attention or viewage. Personally, I believe that sponsorships, facilitated giving, and direct marketing are the ones that prove to be most effective, simply due to the fact that the message or brand isn’t being shoved down your throat. Sure sponsorships can be overwhelming and direct marketing may seem too drastic, but many companies have teamed up with non-profits to increase awareness for both parties, in a respectful and peaceful way.

          The benefits of Cause Related Marketing are also discussed in the article. I think the most important ones discussed are community support, motivated and loyal employees, and reinforced company mission. The whole idea behind CRM is to better the place we live in. This should be the only benefit companies should worry about. I also think that motivated and loyal employees are a great benefit, because if people love where they work and what they do, then they themselves are happier people and will make the community a better place to be. Reinforcing the mission is another great benefit. If a company partners with a cause that correlates and integrates with their belief, purpose, and practices, the campaign has the potential to be extremely successful for everyone involved.

Cause Related Marketing Part 3 will be coming shortly!  

Your Content Used for Ads on Facebook?

I just came across an article that discusses how Facebook is testing a new ad system that uses content, status updates, and posts of current users for advertisements. For example, I "like" Breckenridge Ski Resort on Facebook. Lets say that I make a status that tags Breckenridge and explains how much fun I had there this season, or I post something on their wall about how I love their resort. That content, based on this new ad system, could be used as an advertisement for that company. This will take advertising to the next level. These statements are more or less testimonials, and are extremely effective since word-of-mouth and beliefs of people in our network are some of the most important factors consumers consider before trying/buying a product or service.

But will this cause problems? Perhaps. I can see people strictly making posts about things just to get their 15 seconds of fame. Another aspect that could be an issue is that some people might not want others to see their opinions about specific products or services. Plus, some individuals will naturally be concerned with privacy issues. Regardless, it will be interesting to see how Facebook's new ad system works out. It is anticipated to raise over $2 billion in ad revenue. What are your thoughts?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cause Related Marketing Part I

          “Cause for Marketing or Marketing for Cause?” Prashant Kumar, author of this article, addresses Cause Related Marketing (CRM). CRM can be defined as a hybrid type of marketing that companies implement to try to connect their corporate identity to a positive cause or nonprofit organization. In recent years CRM is becoming more prevalent for a widespread number of companies. 
          These organizations are realizing that they need to have a perceptible sense of social responsibility in their practices, sales, operations, and all communities affected by these things. Another reason for CRM’s growth is that public-opinion research has become that effective cause programs can enhance a company’s reputation and brand image and increase the credibility of its marketing effort while giving customers a convenient way to contribute to nonprofit organizations through their purchasing decisions.”These increasing involvement of companies in cause related actions have led to the growth of CRM. The article looks at one success story about American Express and their campaign to raise money for the restoration of the Statue of Liberty. American Express was pledged to donate one dollar with the issue of every new card and one cent when card holders made a purchase. The results were staggering; $1.7 million dollars were donated towards the cause. The Statue of Liberty was not the only satisfied part. American Express card usage increased by a confounding 28%, along with an increase of 45% of new cardholders. This was one of the very first successful cause related marketing efforts that helped all parties involved: the cause at hand, the company supporting the cause, and the consumers giving to the cause.

Please keep a lookout for Cause Related Marketing Part 2 and 3 coming soon!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Video Bio: Next "Must Have" for Job Seekers?

One of my IMC Professors, Dr. Linda Showers, passed along this article to me today, which discussed the intriguing topic regarding video bios. Personally, I can see this aspect of telling your story becoming an essential for all college students who are actively searching for jobs. If students keep the videos to strictly a bio, instead of a video resume, it has potential to be the next expected standard for job candidates.

I can remember when I created my LinkedIn profile a couple of years ago, I thought to myself, "I honestly don't see how this will help me network and find people and jobs," granted, I was not too familiar with how LinkedIn worked, and it wasn't too popular at the time. But LinkedIn caught on BIG TIME and became an absolute must-have for all professionals. This video bio option has the potential to really catch on, set individuals apart from the crowd, and be a necessity in one's job search.

• It gives employers a glimpse of your personality
• You can elaborate on your personal story, which can't be told in a cover letter or resume
• Has the potential to build your brand/image and set yourself apart from others

• Videos are staged
• They could seem fake or artificial
• If they feature poor video or production quality, it could hurt your brand

Overall, *if the production quality is professional,* and the individual isn't over-top-fake or cheesy, I'd say go for it! Set yourself apart! I might just have to look into this and have a professional video bio made. What do you think?

Behance Profile Using Facebook Color Codes

I recently edited my Behance Creative Profile to look like a Facebook profile by using the same colors. It looked great and very fresh, but I want to switch up my profile’s look for a bit. By using the eyedropper tool in Illustrator, I was able to get the exact color codes that Facebook uses for their sight. You could use these codes for any profile you can customize with color codes, even Twitter!
  • Facebook Blue: 3C5A97 
               - Color of the logo, top panel, and names/links
  • Facebook Light Blue/Gray: ECEEF2
               - Color of the background for the like or comment sections
    • Facebook Text: 3B3B3B
                   - You guessed it, the color of the text Facebook uses

      Now, these are the sections and corresponding codes for the Behance profile.

      Back: FFFFFF           Line: ACACAC

      Box: 3C5A97              Text: F5F5F5

      Profile Tools
      Box: ECEEF2             Link: 3C5A97

      Back: EFEFEF           Line: ACACAC
      Text: 3B3B3B             Link: 3C5A97

      Project Covers
      Box 1: EFEFEF          Link: 3C5A97
      Box 2: 3C5A97           Line: ACACAC
      Text: 3B3B3B             Field: FFFFFF

      Text: 3B3B3B             Link: 3C5A97

      For all of you visual learners out there, I have included a screenshot of what you will see when you are editing your profile’s colors as well as a screenshot displaying what your profile will look like when you apply the Facebook color codes. I hope this helps everyone! I know I searched for Facebook’s color codes for a long time, which led me to just do it myself. Get customizing!

      Tuesday, March 22, 2011

      I'll Get There

      Where I am now...
      Illinois State University - State Farm Hall of Business

      Where I want to be...
      Chicago Skyline from Lake Michigan